The MyLIU portal provides students with convenient access to information about their records. By logging onto the portal, students may view their schedule of classes, register for courses, obtain their grades, request transcripts, and apply for graduation. They may also view financial aid awards, billing information, make online payments, accept and decline federal loans and Federal College Work Study, and make an appointment to see counselors. For more information, please visit or contact the helpdesk at Browse, LIU Brooklyn’s technology store.
To Access the MyLIU portal you must login using single sign-on.
MY LIU Navigation Overview
Home Page
The Gmail tile provide a link to your student email.
The Brightspace tile provides a link to Brightspace, the University’s online learning management system.
E payment
The E payment tile provides a link to Touchnet Payment Systems which will allow you to make electronic payments to your student account.
The LIU IT tile provides a link to the Information Technology website.
The Housing tile provides a link to Mercury, the University’s Residential Management System. Use this tile to apply for on-campus housing.
Emergency Contact
This tile allows you to update your contact information
Academic Progress
The Academic Progress tile allows you to view your academic progress within the University, including your advisor’s contact information, course requirements & transfer credit reports. You will also use this tile to apply for graduation and verify your graduation status.
Microsoft Office
Click this tile to access and install the office 365 suite of applications
Academic Records
The Academic Records tile allows you to view your course history, view grades, and perform other related actions, including viewing unofficial transcripts and enrollment verification forms. From the Useful links menu, you can order a transcript and connect to your Blackboard Learn account.
Financial Account
The Financial Account tile contains your student account information including your account balance, payment history and enrolling in direct deposit. You may view your account activity by clicking on the “Account Inquiry” link under The Account Services Menu. The Student Financials Links menu includes access to make an online payment, enroll in Student Health Insurance or contact TAP/HESC.
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid tile contains your financial aid information. You will be able to see the financial aid awarded and will have the ability to accept or decline your financial aid.
Manage Classes
The Manage Classes tile allows you to view your Class Schedule in a number of formats, register on-line for classes, and add/drop courses. You may also browse the Course Catalog from this tile.
The Profile tile allows you to view key personal data maintained by the University; it allows you to confirm that your address, name, phone number and email information is correct.
The Tasks tile displays your To Do list and information regarding Holds.
The To Do List menu displays remaining documents and actions required to complete tasks for Admissions, Financial Aid, and other departments within the University. When you click on a task, you will be able to see more information about items on the To Do List and which office to contact to complete them.
The Holds menu allows you to view hold information placed on your account that will prevent you from accessing or engaging in select University activities. When you click on the Hold you will be able to see which office placed the Service Indicator or Hold on your record and you can contact them for information on how to remove this Hold.
This tile allows you to check on your application status as see a list of To Do items for the application.
Academic Progress
Summary – This page provides an overall view of your academic progress towards your degree at LIU. The percentage of your program requirements completed show in green and the incomplete portions are in red.
Academic Progress – This page provides a detailed view of your academic progress towards your degree. The degree audit will show your degree requirements and indicate if each category or requirements have been fulfilled.
The audit will read “Not Satisfied” until the requirement is satisfied in its entirety. The audit will give the number of units needed to satisfy the requirement.
If a particular number of units (credits) and/or courses is required to fulfill a requirement, you will be able to display the total number required, the actual number (completed and in-progress) you have towards that requirement, and the remaining number needed.
Click on a requirement category to display the details of that category.
Degree requirements will be “nested” on your degree audit.
For example, if your major requires a number of elective courses in your major department, the audit might show Major Required Courses and Major Elective Courses separately, but they will be nested within your Major Plan.
The Major Plan would still read “Not Satisfied” until all requirements nested within it are satisfied.
Course Requirements Alerts – Term
Expected Graduation Term – This page will display your projected graduation term based on your academic progress and admit term.
Advisors – This page will display the name, photo and contact information of your advisor.
Apply for graduation
View Graduation Status
View Transfer Credit Report – This page allows you to view the number of credits you have received based on courses from other universities and Advanced Placement test scores.
Academic Records
Course History allows you to view all of the courses that you have taken at LIU. You can sort the list by clicking on any of the column headings. Clicking on a specific class will display additional information such as meeting times and the faculty assigned to the course.
You can also filter the class based on the status – Taken, In Progress, Transferred or Planned – by clicking on the filter button above the class numbers. Select the status by clicking the appropriate box and then clicking done.
View Grades allows you to view a list of your grades for a given term.
Select the term you wish to view.
The courses you were enrolled in and their corresponding grades will be displayed. Clicking on a specific class will display additional information such as meeting times and the faculty assigned to the course.
View Unofficial Transcript allows you to generate a copy of your LIU transcript. Click the Submit button in the upper right corner to create the transcript. This will create an up-to-date transcript with your current data. Your transcript will be displayed in PDF format once processing is complete.
Clicking the View All Requested Reports will allow you to view any previously created transcripts. You have the option to view the report or delete it.
Enrollment Verification allows you to generate a document indicating your enrollment status at LIU.
There are several processing options available:
- Select Option – allows you to print the document from your web browser or to request LIU to mail the verification form. The default value is “Allow to Print from My Browser”.
- Include My Program and Plan – select Yes to have your program and plan print on the report. Selecting No will hide this information. The default value is “Yes”.
- Include My Earned Degrees – select Yes to have your degrees included on the report. Select no if you do not wish for your degrees to be displayed. The default value is “Yes”.
- Include My Term and Cum GPA – allows you to include your GPA information on the report. Select Yes to include the data. The default value is “No”.
- Term selection allows you to include all of your terms of attendance or to specify a term. The default is to leave the field blank which will include all terms.
After confirming the processing options, click the Submit button in the upper right corner.
If you select the “Print from My Browser” option, the Enrollment Verification will be displayed. The form can be printed by clicking on the Print button.
If you select the “Request Institution to Mail” option, you will be prompted to enter additional data including the number of copies & where you would like to have the form sent. You can request to send it to yourself or to an external agency.
If you set “Send to My Address” equal to Yes, you will be prompted to select the address to which the form should be mailed.
If you select No for “Send to My Address”, you will be prompted to enter the address where the form should be sent.
Useful Links
Blackboard – clicking on this link will open a new window where you can login to LIU’s Blackboard Learning Management System.
Order a transcript – clicking on this link will open a new window where you can submit a request for official transcripts.
Meningitis Response Form – clicking this link will open a new window that will allow you to login to LIU’s Vaccination and Immunization portal.
Financial Account
Account Balance – allows you to view the current balance on your student account. Totals are listed by term along with an overall account balance total.
- Total charges and payments are displayed in the “Charges & Deposits” column.
- Any pending financial aid is listed in the “Pending Financial Aid” column. This would represent any financial aid that has not yet been credited to your student account
- The amount you owe is listed in the “Total Due” column.
Payment History – allows you to view all of the payments applied to your student account.
Direct Deposit – allows you to enroll in the University’s direct deposit program. You can request any refunds be deposited directly into your bank account.
If you have already enrolled in direct deposit, your account information will be displayed.
If you click on the account line, a page will be displayed with additional information.
For security purposes, only the last 4 digits of your account number will be displayed.
You can make changes to your direct deposit enrollment on this screen. Click the pencil in the top right corner to edit the page. Enter your changes and then click the Submit button. To return to the previous screen without making changes, click the Cancel button.
If you decide you no longer wish to participate in the direct deposit program, you can revoke the election. Click on the Revoke Direct Deposit button.
Select Yes to confirm your choice. Your direct deposit information will be removed.
To Enroll in Direct Deposit, click the Enroll in Direct Deposit button.
The following screen will appear.
Click on the magnifying glass in the Bank Routing Number box. The following screen will appear displaying a list of available banks. Scroll or search for your bank. Once you find the correct bank, click to select it.
Complete the rest of your banking information and click the button to agree to the terms and conditions. Once completed your screen should resemble the one below.
Click the Submit button to complete the enrollment process. Once completed the following screen will be displayed.
Account Inquiry – allows you to view details about your account. The Charges Due tab is displayed by default. All charges due are listed by due date and amount.
Clicking the Summary tab, will display an overview of your account.
Click on the remittance address arrow to view where payments can be mailed. Payments may also be submitted online through the myLIU Payment Gateway (Refer to the link under Student Financials Links > Make A Payment).
Clicking the Activity tab will display all transactions on your account. Use the From and To fields to change the presentation of account activity.
Click “View All” to see all transactions within the period specified.
Click the payment tab to display payments due by date, type and amount. Use From and To fields to view payments from past periods.
Student Financials Links
Make a Payment – This link will open a new window and connect you to the login page of the myLIU Payment Gateway. After logging in you will be able to make payments and sign up for payment plans.
Student Health Insurance – This link will open a new window and connect you to LIU’s Student Health Insurance website. From this page you can research the available student health insurance and enroll if you are eligible.
TAP/HESC – This link will open a new window and connect you to the New York State Higher Education Services website. Use this link to apply and view your TAP application.
Financial Aid
Summary – This page will allow you to see your own financial aid information. You will be able to see the Award Description, Award Status and Net Award.
You can view the information for the entire academic year or for a specific term by changing the selection in the Display box. The default view is “Summary” which displays the academic year.
Clicking on a specific award will display the Award Details screen.
Accept/Decline – This page allows you to indicate which Financial Aid you accept and which awards you wish to decline. You will also have the ability to reduce the amount for certain awards, loans for example. This screen lists the Award Description, Award Decision, Offered Amount and Accepted Amount for each type of financial aid you have been awarded. The award amounts listed here are for the academic year.
Clicking on a specific award, will display the Awards Detail Section.
Click the X in the top right corner to return to the Award Summary page.
To Accept, Decline or Reduce an Award, click on the pencil icon. The following screen will be displayed.
From the drop down box in the Award Decision column, select the appropriate choice. After indicating all of your choices, click the Submit button.
Click Yes to confirm your updates.
Need Summary – displays your financial aid eligibility based on your estimated financial costs, family contribution and estimated need for the aid year. Data is based on the information submitted on your FAFSA form.
Cost of Attendance – displays a breakdown of the categories and amounts used in determination of your cost of attendance for this award year.
You can view the information for the entire academic year or for a specific term by changing the selection in the Display box. The default view is “Summary” which displays the academic year.
Expected Family Contribution – displays a breakdown of what you and/or your parents are expected to contribute to your estimated costs. The parent and student contribution are calculated based on information you provided on your FAFSA form.
Note: Make sure to check your To Do List for any outstanding items. The financial aid related items on your To Do List must be completed before any financial aid can be finalized on your behalf. In fact, when you complete these items, they will disappear from your To Do List!
If you were offered a loan(s), items on the To Do List can also relate to the acceptance of loans and what needs to be done to actually receive them (Loan Entrance Int. Required), etc.
Financial Aid Links
Complete a FAFSA – opens a new window displaying the Federal Student Aid website. This page is used to complete your FAFSA form necessary to apply for financial aid.
DL MPN & Entrance Interview – opens a new window displaying the Federal Student Aid website. Use this page to complete your Direct Loan promissory notes and conduct your Entrance Interview. These steps are necessary in order for your student loans to be credited to your student account.
Exit Interview – opens a new window displaying the Federal Student Aid website. Use this page to complete your Exit Interview.
Manage Classes
View My Classes allows you to view and print your daily or weekly schedule.
Click the term you wish to view…
You can view your schedule By Class or By Date
By default, your class schedule displays By Class which lists your schedule by class.
My Class Schedule – By Class View
My Class Schedule – By Date View
The By Date View displays your schedule by weekday. If courses do not appear, make sure the start and end times as well as dates are set to include evening hours and semester dates.
To print your schedule from either view, click the Printable Page button.
Enrollment Appointments allows you to view the registration beginning and ending dates for the specified term. Select the term you wish to view.
Shopping Cart allows you to enroll in multiple classes at one time. If you have not added any classes to your cart, the following screen will appear.
If you have selected the Add to Shopping Cart option when enrolling for classes, they will appear here. You are able to enroll in all of the classes in your cart or you can remove individual classes.
To enroll in the courses in your cart, select the courses by clicking in the box in the Select column. After the courses have been selected, click the Enroll button in the upper right corner.
Confirm you want to enroll in the specified class by clicking the Yes button.
A confirmation page will be displayed and your enrollment is complete.
Class Search and Enroll allows you to view the classes being offered and add them to your schedule.
Click on the term you are interested in registering for.
The class search page will allow you to search for classes being offered in the requested term. You can search by a number of different keywords, including course, subject and topic.
Enter you search keywords in the search box and click the arrow to continue. A list of possible matches will be displayed.
Clicking on a specific course will show the available class sections. Click on the section you wish to enroll in.
Note that if you do not see the > arrow on the far right side of the section list for a class, it means you are unable to enroll. Please check if you have any holds or To Do items under the Tasks tile on the main page.
Review your selection and click the Next button (top right corner of the screen)
If you need special permission to enroll in this class, enter the code here. If not click the Accept button.
You now have the option to either Enroll in the class or Add to Shopping Cart.
- The Enroll option will allow you to enroll in one class at a time.
- The Add to Shopping Cart option will allow you to select all your courses and then complete the enrollment process once.
Method 1 – Select the Enroll option and click the Next button.
Review and Submit is the final step in the enrollment process. Confirm your selection is correct and then click the Submit button.
Confirm you want to enroll in the specified class by clicking the Yes button.
A confirmation page will be displayed and your enrollment is complete.
Method 2 – Select the Add to Shopping Cart option and click the Next button.
Review and Submit is the final step in the enrollment process. Confirm your selection is correct and then click the Submit button.
Confirm you want to enroll in the specified class by clicking the Yes button.
A confirmation page will be displayed indicating the course has been added to Shopping Cart.
Note: If you selected the Shopping Cart option, you are not enrolled in the class yet. You must view your Shopping Cart to complete the enrollment process. Refer to the instructions under the Shopping Cart menu.
Drop Classes – Will allow you to withdraw from a class
Click on the term you wish to view.
All of the classes you are registered in for the specified term will be displayed.
Select the class you wish to drop by clicking in the box under the Select column and then click the Next button in the top right corner.
Confirm that you wish to drop the classes by clicking the Drop Classes button.
Confirm you want to enroll in drop the specified class by clicking the Yes button.
A confirmation page will be displayed.
Browse Course Catalog will allow you to search for course information. You can search by a number of different keywords, including course, subject and topic.
Enter you search keywords in the search box and click the arrow to continue. A list of possible matches will be displayed.
Clicking on a specific course will display additional information about that course.
Clicking the View Classes button will display a list of terms. After choosing a term, a list of when the class is being offered for the specified term will be displayed. If you click on a course section, you will be given the opportunity to enroll in the class if the enrollment period is open.
Personal Details – displays the biographical information that LIU has on your official record. This screen displays your ID number, Date of Birth, Gender and Name. You can have more than one Name Type.
Clicking on one of the name rows will display the name details page.
To Add an Additional Name Type, click the plus (+) button above your name. The Add Name page will be displayed. Select the appropriate name type from the Type Drop-down box, choices include Degree, Legal, Maiden, etc. Enter the information in the applicable name fields and click the Save button.
Contact Details – displays all of the email addresses and telephone numbers that LIU has on your record.
Email – Your myLIU email address will be listed as preferred. You are not able to change or delete your myLIU email address. You may add or delete any additional email addresses.
Phone – Any phone numbers that LIU has on your record will be displayed here. You can add or delete any phone numbers. Refer to the instructions for updating Email addresses.
Address – Any addresses that LIU has on your record will be displayed here. You can add or delete addresses.
Emergency Contacts – Your emergency contacts will be displayed here. You are able to add, update or delete these contacts.
To add an email address, click the plus (+) sign. The Add Email box will be displayed.
Select a Type from the drop-down menu, choices include Home, Business, Other, etc. Enter your email address and click the Save button.
To delete an email address, click on the row you wish to delete. The Edit Email box will be displayed.
Click the Delete button to remove this email address from your record. Confirm the deletion by click the Yes button.
Emergency Contacts
To Do – The To Do List menu displays remaining documents and actions required to complete tasks for Admissions, Financial Aid, and other departments within the University. When you click on a task, you will be able to see more information about items on the To Do List and which office to contact to complete them.
The financial aid related items on your To Do List must be completed before any financial aid can be finalized on your behalf. In fact, when you complete these items, they will disappear from your To Do List!
If you were offered a loan(s), items on the To Do List can also relate to the acceptance of loans and what needs to be done to actually receive them (Loan Entrance Int. Required), etc.
Clicking on a To Do List item will display the task details and explain what needs to be done to complete the task.
Holds – The Holds menu allows you to view hold information placed on your account that will prevent you from accessing or engaging in select University activities. When you click on the Hold you will be able to see which office placed the Service Indicator or Hold on your record and you can contact them for information on how to remove this Hold.
Clicking on one of the holds will display the hold details and who to contact to assist in resolving the issue.
Submitting Final Grades
Click here for a downloadable pdf
Step 1
In Order to grade your students, you must first login to the MYLIU portal with your LIU credentials. Then under the Faculty Center menu item, click on My Schedule.
Step 2
If the correct semester is not showing, click on the Change Term button and select the correct term.
Step 3
locate the class you wish to grade and click on the Grade ROSTER icon. (DO NOT CLICK ON GRADEBOOK)
Note 1: If you do not see the Grade Roster icon, then your class has not been opened for grading. Please contact the Registrar’s Office.
Note 2: If you do not see your class listed on this page, then you have not been properly connected to the class. Please contact the Registrar’s Office
Step 4
Enter your grades in the Roster Grades column. If you have a large class, make sure to check if there are multiple pages.
Step 5
Once you are finished grading, you MUST SELECT Approved from the drop down and click SAVE. You are now done with grading.
Note: If you need to take breaks between grading, leave it on Not Reviewed and be sure to click SAVE. This will save your partial progress until you are ready to approve final grades.
Important Reminders
Grades are due 48 hours after your final class meeting/final examination.
Timely submission of final grades is critical, as Registrar staff must quickly begin the process of clearing candidates for degree conferral. In addition, we must quickly review the status of probationary students, and determine those who qualify for inclusion on the Dean’s/Honor’s List.
UW – Unauthorized Withdrawal
The grade of UW should be assigned when a student never initiated proper withdrawal procedure and either stopped attending a class or didn’t attend the class at all. This grade should NOT be used as a “kind” alternative to an earned F. In many instances, a UW can affect a student’s financial aid eligibility for the current and future terms and might require the university to return federal financial aid funds, since the credits are not counted in their units taken/completed.
INC – Incomplete (General)
Not included in GPA; included in hours attempted. Should be assigned when discussed with a student and it is determined that all required work will not be completed by the end of the term. Students have until the end of the following semester to complete the unfinished work. Faculty must submit a Change of Grade form to the Registrar’s Office upon completion of the work. “I” followed by another grade symbol, (i.e. IA, IB+, IF) indicates that the work has been completed and the symbol after “I” is used in the GPA. When the work is ultimately completed, the “I” plus the grade remain permanently on the transcript. INC grades earned in undergraduate courses will automatically convert to “F” at the conclusion of the semester following the one in which the grade was assigned (i.e. an outstanding INC earned in a fall course will automatically change to an “F” at the conclusion of the following spring term unless the coursework is completed and the grad changed).
Incomplete Grades (Undergraduate courses only)
INC grades earned in undergraduate courses will automatically convert to “F” at the conclusion of the semester following the one in which the grade was assigned (i.e. an outstanding INC earned in a spring course will automatically change to an “F” at the conclusion of the following fall term). Please be sure that you’ve had a discussion with the student regarding the INC assignment before assigning it.
W – Authorized Withdrawal
Not computed, counted in hours attempted. Indicates a student-initiated withdrawal. This grade is preprinted on the grade roster.
AUD – Audit Non-credit.
Not included in GPA. This grade is preprinted on the grade roster.
Regular Grading Basis | ||
A | Excellent | 4.000 quality points per credit hour |
A- | 3.667 | |
B+ | Very good | 3.333 |
B | Good | 3.000 |
B- | 2.667 | |
C+ | Above Average | 2.333 |
C | Average | 2.000 |
C- | Below Average | 1.667 (available for undergraduate courses only) |
D | Passing | 1.000 (available for undergraduate courses only) |
F | Failure | 0.000 |
Pass/Not Pass Grade Basis | ||
P | Passing | Not computed in GPA |
F | Failure | 0.000 |
Error Screens
If you click on any of the new features that are not yet functional, you will get the following: After clicking “OK” the message will disappear and will give you the next: “You are not authorized for this page.”
This message will appear if you change your grading status to “Approved” without having all students graded. Click “OK” to go back, then change the status back to “Not Approved.”
In the event you would like to print out your grades once done, please select the browser you are using for the appropriate instructions.
Step 1
Seeing your class roster
To see your class roster follow the instructions below:
- Log into MYLIU with your LIU credentials
- After logging in click on the large schedule icon
- On the next page, click on the people Icon, not on the hyperlink text.
Early Warning System
In the event you would like to print out your grades once done, please select the browser you are using below for the appropriate instructions.
Mozilla Firefox
Step 1
Make sure the correct semester is selected. If it is not, click on the Change Term button.
Step 2
Click on the Grade Roster icon for the desired class.
Step 3
At the bottom of the Roster click on the Printer Friendly Version link
Step 4
Right click in the white space closest to the list and select This Frame then Print Frame
Google Chrome
Step 1
Make sure the correct semester is selected. If it is not, click on the Change Term button.
Step 2
Click on the Grade Roster icon for the desired class.
Step 3
At the bottom of the Roster click on the Printer Friendly Version link
Step 4
Right click in the white space closest to the list and select Print
Microsoft Edge
Step 1
Make sure the correct semester is selected. If it is not, click on the Change Term button.
Step 2
Click on the Grade Roster icon for the desired class.
Step 3
At the bottom of the Roster click on the Printer Friendly Version link
Step 4
Right click in the white space closest to the list and select Print
Step 1
Make sure the correct semester is selected. If it is not, click on the Change Term button.
Step 2
Click on the Grade Roster icon for the desired class.
Step 3
At the bottom of the Roster click on the Printer Friendly Version link
Step 4
Right click in the white space closest to the list and select Print
Apple Safari
Step 1
Make sure the correct semester is selected. If it is not, click on the Change Term button.
Step 2
Click on the Grade Roster icon for the desired class.
Step 3
At the bottom of the Roster click on the Printer Friendly Version link
Step 4
Right click in the white space closest to the list and select Print
Activate Your Account
Welcome to LIU! Now that your account has been created it’s time to activate it so you can login. Current students who have had their account passwords reset by IT will also need to activate their accounts after the reset.
Step 1
In a browser, navigate to and click on the Activate MYLIU link on the top of the list to the right
Step 2
Enter the requested information in each field, then click Activate.
Note 1: If you are having issues with your social security number, or don’t have one, you can use your student ID number.
Note 2: If you still cannot get past this step, contact the registrar to make sure all of your information (name, social, DOB) is correct.
Step 3
Enter the password you would like to use.
- 10 Characters
- 1 Capital (minimum)
- 1 Number (minimum)
- 1 Special Character (minimum) – example ! # % * . ?
- Cannot be a previous password
- Cannot have more than 3 sequential numbers
- Cannot contain all the same letter or number
Step 4 (not required)
Enter your mobile number if you would like to get campus announcements by text. This step is not mandatory but you must click the button to continue.
Step 5
You will be taken back to the login page and you can now log in.
MyLIU email (Gmail)
See how to connect your LIU email (gmail) to your mobile devices. Click here.
Google Apps
My LIU Apps provides a gateway to Google’s online services, allowing you to take advantage of Google’s email, productivity, and collaboration tools while maintaining your LIU email name. In addition to email you can also save your documents online, chat with friends, and more. You will also have plenty of room, over 7GB of server space and counting!
What services are offered?
Gmail: Google Email
Enjoy Google’s powerful email program without the ads.
With over 7GB of space that’s constantly growing, you can forget about quotas.
Calendar – Events Made Easy
Organize your life with a simple online calendar.
Keep a calendar for yourself, share another with your friends.
Talk – An Easy Way to Chat
Chat with your friends and classmates on the web or on your desktop.
Organize a group chat to go over homework or make a voice call.
Documents – Made for Collaboration
Easily create documents, spreadsheets, or presentations and export them to your favorite desktop program.
Share them with your group and make changes together in real time.
iGoogle Start Page
Have one easy place to check for recent email, upcoming calendar events, the weather, movie times, and more.
Google Sync – Stay in Touch
Synchronize your Google Calendar and Contacts to mobile devices that support Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync, such as iPhone, Windows Mobile and other devices.
Downloadable PDF’s:
Email • Web Mail • MyLIU Configuration Android • MyLIU Configuration iOS • MyLIU Configuration Windows |
Calendar • Help Document |
• Useful Documents
• Help Document
About Privacy
Privacy Statement
Long Island University is committed to ensuring the confidentiality of personally identifiable information provided by its employees, students, and visitors. However, some personally identifiable information may be subject to disclosure pursuant to Federal and/or state law. In these cases, the University may disclose information to third parties when such disclosure is required or permitted by law.
Governing Law
In general, the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) (20 USC §1232(g)) prohibits the release of students’ educational records. However, the University may release student directory information or student educational records if allowed or required by FERPA.
Your access and use of the University’s websites, and these terms and conditions, are governed by, and will be construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York. In the event that any provision of these terms and conditions is held unenforceable, it will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions.
Information Collected
It is the policy and practice of Long Island University to collect the least amount of personally identifiable information necessary to fulfill its required duties and responsibilities, complete a particular transaction, deliver services, or as required by law. This applies to the collection of all personally identifiable information regardless of source or medium. Information provided should only be shared with members of the University community who have a need to know in order to provide services or conduct University business. The University may share personally identifiable information with other individuals or organizations that provide services to the University. The University requires these third parties to protect personally identifiable information it receives pursuant to this policy and applicable law. The University will take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or disclosure.
Individuals may choose not to provide information to the University via the Internet. Most University websites may be accessed without providing personally identifiable information, however some options or special services may require the submission of personally identifiable information.
No data transmitted over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. While the University strives to protect your personal information, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your personal information, we make every effort to ensure its security.
Information other than personally identifiable information may be collected from the Internet for analysis and statistical purposes. Such information may include user visit logs, network traffic logs, and small text files known as “cookies” used to assess website activity. Information collected from the Internet is used to diagnose problems, assess what information is of most interest, determine technical design specifications, and identify system performance and/or problem areas.
Please send questions or concerns to
How can I apply to Long Island University?
If I am a Long Island University undergraduate student and wish to apply for a graduate program how can I do this?
How can I check on the status of my application?
How do I apply for merit-based scholarships and grants?
If I am a Long Island University undergraduate student and have applied for a graduate program how can I check on the status of my application?
How long will I be able to see my current admissions application on the portal?
How do I pay my application fee?
How do I pay my tuition and/or housing deposit?
How do I register for courses?
I have been admitted to the university, do I still need to provide the transcripts or other documents that are listed in the To Do list?
I am an undergraduate student and I have applied for admission. Can I view the status of my admission?
How do I know if there is any outstanding information for my application for admission?
On your Student Center home page under the Admissions pagelet the status is displayed. A yellow triangle indicates the application is incomplete.
Click on View Status for details. The open items are listed. The action items will appear on your To Do List pagelet.
How do I check if further information is required for admission to my graduate studies?
What information is available regarding the status of my application?
How do I log in to pay my bill? My normal LIU login won't work
- If you are Asked for your username or User ID this will be your first.last. It’s the same as your email just with out the “”
- If you are asked to enter your mail then enter the full email.
When must I clear my bill?
Students are expected to clear their bills before the start of classes. In the event that a student fails to do so, the account will be considered to be not in good financial standing. Students with past due balances will be assessed the following:
- A late fee of $50 will be charged to students with past due balances on the 45th day after the start of the term. An “Account Past Due” Bursar Hold also will be placed on past due balances to prevent the student from receiving transcripts, diplomas, grade mailers and other official University documents. Students with past due balances greater than $500 also will be prevented from engaging in University activities, such as registering for classes.
- A second late fee of $100 will be charged to students with past due balances at the end of the term.
My bill is cleared but I have not received my refund - when can I expect to receive this?
I would like to participate in the University’s payment plan. How do I sign up?
My charges due balance differs from what was included on my LIU bill. How do I reconcile this difference?
Your LIU bill is generated at a particular point in time, and every month thereafter, and includes all transactions in your account as of the date of the bill, including anticipated financial aid.
In contrast, your My LIU webpage shows account activity on a real time basis, taking into account drop/add activities, withdrawals, and payments.
Differences between your bill and information within My LIU may trigger an adjustment that will be accounted for in future billings that will be sent to your mailing address.
There are many items included in my Account Activity detail. What do these transactions mean?
The account activity screen shows separate columns for charges, payments, and refunds by date and term. Charges consist of amounts billed to your account for mandatory tuition, fees, and other costs associated with your enrollment.
Payments represent amounts remitted by the student, application of financial aid and scholarships, and reversals of charges resulting from various actions, including drop/add activities, tuition remission, and waivers. Refunds represent amounts returned to the student.
For additional information on your activity detail, please contact your campus Bursar.
I have a student financial-related hold on my account that is preventing me from registering for classes. How do I resolve this problem?
My LIU shows I have charges due. How do I make payment on these charges?
You can pay your bill through approved financial aid, check, money order, VISA, Master Card, or Discover (we do not accept American Express). You may download a credit card authorization form by visiting the LIU Post and LIU Brooklyn campus Bursar websites.
All payments and acceptable payment arrangements can be made with your campus Bursar; alternatively, you can mail checks directly to Long Island University, 700 Northern Blvd., Brookville, NY, 11548, USA.
How do I review the status of my tuition bill? Am I able to review that information from M LIU account?
My family sent a payment for the upcoming semester. Can I view that information in My LIU?
I currently have a payment plan with the University. Can I see the record of all the payments made during the term or during a particular period of time?
Will financial aid that I received this semester appear in my payment history?
How do I request an official transcript?
You will be able to view an unofficial transcript from your portal. You can order your official transcript a number of ways:
1. Online – using “TranscriptsPlus” through Credentials Inc. who has an agreement with Long Island University to provide this service to our students and alumni. The cost of a transcript, including the processing fee, is $7.00 which must be paid using a major credit card. (Click here for the link.) You may also call Credentials Inc. at (800) 646-1858 and place a phone order. There is an additional fee for this service.
2. In-Person – by coming into the Registrar’s Office, completing the Transcript Request Form, and paying a $7.00 fee, check, money order or major credit card to Bursar.
3. A written request through the mail. You can download and complete the Transcript Request Form (click here for the form) or send a detailed letter with information to identify your record to include: Social security number; Date of birth; Name you attended under (if now different); Dates of attendance; Major (Plan); Undergraduate or graduate; Graduation date and degree, if any; Contact telephone number; Email address; Complete address where you would like the transcript mailed. The fee is $7.00, payable to Long Island University by check or money order.
How do I correct my personal information if it appears incorrect?
Please contact your campus Registrar’s Office for additional assistance and to get a Change of Student Information form.
- If you got married: Bring your marriage certificate and matching social security information
- If you got divorced: Bring your divorce papers (Divorce Decree)
- For a regular name change: Bring the court papers for your legal name change
- For a misspelled name: Bring a birth certificate or passport AND a social security card
What should I do if I think there is an error in my grades?
How do I register for classes?
How do I request an Enrollment Verification (i.e. proof of enrollment) on line?
- Log in to MY.LIU and click on “Student Center”
- On the Academic Page, click on the pull-down menu next to “other academic….” • Select “Enrollment Verification” and click on the arrows to the right
- Indicate whether you want to print the verification from your browser, or if you would like for the Registrar’s Office to mail it to a specific address.
- If Verification is needed for a specific term, select the term from the pull-down menu next to “Select desired term or leave blank for all terms.
- If you have requested that the Registrar’s Office mail it, complete the Recipient Information (you can either have it mailed to one of the addresses we have on file for you, or to a 3rd party.
- Click Submit
How do I clear holds on my account to register for classes?
Click on and the “Hold Item” in the Item List to see which department or office placed the hold and contact them directly to find out what is required in order to have the hold removed or overridden.
Once you have complied, the block will be removed or overridden and you will then be able to register for your classes.
How can I change or update my personal information?
How do I see my Class Schedule?
Select a Term and click Continue. Your class schedule will display as a List. You can change the view to a Weekly Calendar View, by clicking on that option.
How do I see my Transfer Credits?
Transfer credits that have been entered in the system will display.
How do I see my Unofficial Transcript?
How do I see my Grades and my Grade Point Average (GPA)?
How do I search for Classes?
You will be taken to the Class Search page. Select the Term from the drop down menu and click Go.
You will be taken to the Class Search Criteria screen.
In the Course Subject area, click select subject.
Locate the subject you wish to view, click select. On the Course Number line, enter the course number (if you know it) next to is exactly. On the Course Career line, drop down menu if you know the career of the course. (Note: the system default is Undergraduate classes.)
Click the Search box.
Your results will be displayed on the Class Search Results page. (Note: your search must contain at least 2 search criteria.)
The system default is set to display open classes only.
If you wish to see all classes, including those that are closed, your must uncheck the box marked Show Open Classes Only and then click Search.
Will my transfer credits show?
What if I don’t see my transfer credits?
If I attended LIU as an undergraduate and graduate student will I be able to view both of my transcripts?
Can I print an unofficial transcript?
How do I know what classes are opened or closed?
If I need a pre-requisite will I be notified?
How soon after I decide on a schedule should I register?
If a class I enroll in does not appear on my schedule when I log into account what should I do?
- Check your email in order to see if you received notice of a class cancelation.
- Speak with your academic advisor in order to follow up on this issue.
I have a block that prevents me from registering what does this block mean?
What options are available to me under the “other academic information” drop down navigation bar?
Can I enroll on-line?
When can I enroll on-line?
How do I enroll in classes?
How do I drop a class?
How do I determine the campus location of a class?
Included in the details will be the location and campus.
Why can’t I add my selected class?
Why can’t I add the same class after I dropped it?
How can I tell what service indicator (hold) is blocking my registration?
Return to your Student Center home page. Check for holds, found at the top right. The following holds must be resolved for you to complete the on-line registration process:
- Admissions (all)
- Bursar (University Collections, Account Past Due, External Collections)
- Departmental and Academic (all)
- Financial Aid (M Block)
- Health Services (Vaccination, Student Health, Meningitis)
- Probation, Suspension and Dismissal (all)
- Registrar (all)
- Public Safety (all)
- General Deficiencies (HEOP, Language, Student Affairs, Math)
- Miscellaneous (International Office)
Will the system prevent me from registering for two classes at the same time?
Am I enrolled for the classes that appear in my shopping cart?
I've missed all of the on-line registration deadlines; can I still register for classes?
What is the difference between a class number and a permission number?
The class number identifies course sections and are unique to the section and to a semester. These numbers may be used to bypass searching for a class when you are registering. A permission number allows your registration to override prerequisite or co-requisite rules placed on courses. Permission numbers may also be used to allow you to register in a course beyond its enrollment capacity, and is provided to you only by your department or Dean’s office, or the Registrar.
Academic Planning Guide
Logging in on a Desktop
Login to MY.LIU.EDU
Reporting Time on a Daily Basis
Step 1
Click the Enter Time tile
Step 2
For each day worked, populate the page as follows:
- In the In column, enter the time you started working.
- In the Out column, enter the time you stopped working.
If you worked more than 6 hours, populate the Break Out and Break In columns with the start and end times of your break.
After entering all the time, click the Submit button (circled above)
Step 3
Click OK to certify the transaction.
Step 4
Click the back arrow to return to the homepage.
Viewing Time on a Weekly Basis
Step 1
Click the Time tile
Step 2
Click the Weekly Time Summary Tile. The following screen will be displayed.
Step 3
Scroll down to see additional days. Click on the day you wish to enter or view time. The Report Time page will be displayed.
Step 4
Select the Punch Type drop-down box and select the type of punch. In the Time box, enter the time of your punch – example 9:00AM.
Step 5
Click View Legal Statement (circled above) to read the certification message.
Step 6
Click the X to return to the previous page.
Step 7
Click the Submit button. Once time has been submitted, the punch history will be displayed along with the number of hours worked.
Step 8
Click the arrow to return to the Time Homepage.
Logging in on a Mobile Device
Step 1
Login to MY.LIU.EDU and Click the Time tile
Reporting Time on a Daily Basis
Step 1
Click the Report Time link
Step 2
In the Time box, enter the time of your punch – example 9:00AM. Click View Legal Statement to read the certification message.
Step 3
Click the X to return to the previous page.
Step 4
Click the In button. Once time has been submitted, the punch history will be displayed along with the number of hours worked.
Click the Actions button to display all the available punch types and select on the appropriate choice.
Step 5
Once time has been submitted, the punch history will be displayed along with the number of hours worked.
Step 6
Click the arrow to return to the Time Homepage.
Viewing Time on a Weekly Basis
Click the Weekly Time Summary Tile
The following screen will be displayed
Scroll down to see additional days. Click on the day you wish to enter or view time. The Report Time page will be displayed. Follow the instructions listed above.
Login to MY.LIU.EDU and from your Student Homepage screen, select the “Manage Classes” tile.
On the next page, select “Planner” from the left menu bar.
Select “Add from My Requirements” link.
This will take you to the Academic Progress page. Scroll down to the requirement group that contains the course you want in your Planner and then click in the requirement box.
In the Requirement Details, select the course you wish to add.
This will take you to a page with further details on the course, including description, when it is typically offered, and any Enrollment Requirements. To add the course to your planner, click the “Add to Planner” button in the top right corner of the page.
A green banner will then flash across the top of the page, confirming that the course has been added successfully to your planner.
To now assign the course to a specific term, follow the “Go to Planner” link at the bottom of the page.
Click on the “Unassigned Courses” box.
On the next page, select the course, taking you back to the course detail page.
Select the “Move to Term” button in the top right corner.
Then select the specific term you wish to assign the course to from the drop-down list and then click the “Save” button.
A green banner will flash across the screen to confirm the course has been moved to the term.
You will now see the course under the term grouping and confirmation of the class status as “Planned” with a blue star. You can continue to add further courses to your planner by selecting the “Add from My Requirements” link and repeat the process of selecting courses from your Academic Progress page.
You will notice that your requirements will start to appear as “satisfied”, the more courses that you add to your planner, as well as any courses that you may have added to your shopping cart.
*It is important to note that the Academic Progress page you use with your Planner is different from the Academic Progress page you access from your Student Homepage. Planned courses will not have any impact on the Academic Progress Summary pie chart completion percentages or count towards satisfying your actual degree requirements. You are responsible for enrolling and completing all necessary course requirements. *