Pharmacy – Brightspace Instructor Essentials Session 2
Welcome to LIU’s new Learning Management System
LIU’s Brightspace will be the new university’s learning management system (LMS) for online teaching and learning. The new LMS is a cloud based online learning platform that enables our LIU faculty to use web-based collaborative and assessment technologies to enhance the teaching and learning experience. Instructors can use this service to design full-featured online course environments for the participants of their class. Students may access course materials, collaborate with others, engage with interactive assessments and assignments, and track their progress in a course gradebook.
For the Fall 2022 Pilot, LIU School of Pharmacy will be running all the Professional Phase courses using this new learning management system.
Wed 8/10/2022 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM https://d2l.zoom.us/j/95416818227