The Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) has been created to make accessing your LIU accounts easier if you have forgotten your password.
Select the appropriate Item from the side menu to get instruction. Please note that you must have registered for DUO dual factor authentication to use this online tool. Otherwise contact IT for support.
Password Practices
Never share your password with anyone! The Department of Information Technology will never ask you for your username and password.
Never use the same password for your e-mail account and any other account that is registered to it. For example, the password for your social networking accounts should not be the same as the e-mail address they’re registered to. If someone were to compromise your password, they can also log into your e-mail account.
Never use a dictionary word as a password. These passwords are much easier to ‘crack’ and your data will be at risk.
For Home Banking and other financial sites, change your password every 90 days to ensure that your account is safe.
To make strong passwords, instead of using a simple dictionary word you could use a phrase or sentence for example, ‘ilikeapplepie’. It will be more difficult for a hacker to crack. In addition, you should also use the substitution method. Using the chart below, you could substitute the characters in the password ‘ilikeapplepie’ for ‘!L!ke@pP1eP13’. It will be much more difficult to crack this password.
Password Complexity Rules
Your password must satisfy the following rules:
- At least 12 characters long
- At least 1 uppercase character
- At least 1 numeric character
- At least 1 special character
- Not contain the < char OR &#
A password should be something that you can remember. You should never have to write your password down as this could compromise your password. Using the phrase method, this should be easy to accomplish with a commonly used phrase or passage.